If you are currently operating a carpet cleaning business in your community, and you have several hundred clientele, you might wonder what is appropriate in regard to how many times your clients should get their carpet cleaned every year. Even if you run a smaller business, and you only have a handful of clients, it’s good to know a rough average of how often your clients should contact you in order to utilize your services. Here is a basic overview of what you should expect from each and every individual that you have as a client in regard to regular carpet cleanings.
Average Carpet Cleaning Numbers
Statistics typically show that people will contact their professional carpet cleaner a minimum of once a year. If they live in an area where there is an exceptional amount of dirt coming into their home, say for instance on a ranch or farm, they will probably call you much more often. The reason that they do not call, most of the time, is that they do not have the money to spend. Just because someone is not calling you back does not necessarily mean that they did not like the service that you provided. It is more than likely a monetary issue.
How To Inspire People To Call You More
If you want to increase your business every year, it’s a good idea to run a sale from time to time. This will mean that you will need to contact the clients that you have every couple months, reminding them about your services. In your reminder, you will want to offer a coupon or promo code that they can use in a two-week period where they can take advantage of the discounts that you are offering. By doing this on a regular basis, it will keep you from being forgotten, and also allow you to have more business by offering discounts from time to time.